Ritual company Ritual-Lux
Of course, no one can expect that in the near future he will face the loss of a close, dear person, nevertheless, any person is (so far) mortal. It is…

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Turnkey apartment renovation - the benefits of a professional approach
Most apartment owners still have fresh memories of how much time, money and effort was spent on repairs on their own. Moreover, the result was far from always impressive. Today,…

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Vienna recognized as the most promising and comfortable city for life on the planet.
Beauty Vienna is known to ordinary people as museums, palaces, the highest level of cultural life and education. For businessmen, this city is associated, first of all, with chic opportunities…

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Plastic card production

The production of plastic cards is a modern business that is constantly expanding.
Although in order to apply a variety of images directly on a plastic card, you need to make an effort, but with the help of special equipment this problem was successfully solved. Additional protection on the surface of the plastic card provides a wonderful opportunity not to wash off the applied paint.

They carry out the printing of plastic cards, depending on the circulation, as well as the terms provided by the customer. In the event that the total circulation of cards is small, or new plastic cards must carry personal information, then in this case it is best to use a special printer for the card production procedure. It makes it possible to apply a sublimation printing method to a plastic card. The use of sublimation equipment, which transfers the ink from the film cartridge directly to the plastic at a certain temperature, provides a wonderful opportunity to achieve the highest quality of the applied photographic image. This fact can be explained by the fact that the total amount of paint that is applied directly to the surface layer of plastic will depend on the heating level of each individual element of the thermal head.

In the event that it is necessary to make a circulation of more than 500 copies, it is best to use the offset printing method. In order for the print to be strong and not to be erased during operation, experts recommend applying a layer of special UV varnish.

Russian taxi in Paris
Our compatriots who came to Paris on a tourist package and do not speak French at all are better off taking a taxi designed for a specific target audience. For…


Interior decoration apartment
A beautifully decorated apartment creates an amazing feeling of home comfort and warmth. Creating a home interior, each person strives to express his own ideas and decorate the room to…


Interior decoration apartment
A beautifully decorated apartment creates an amazing feeling of home comfort and warmth. Creating a home interior, each person strives to express his own ideas and decorate the room to…
