Russian taxi in Paris
Our compatriots who came to Paris on a tourist package and do not speak French at all are better off taking a taxi designed for a specific target audience. For…

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Opening an advertising company
At all times, trade needs advertising, these concepts go together. Accordingly, the importance of truly professional specialists in this field is very high. The importance of new and effective moves…

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Creation of a metropolitan real estate agency
Capital real estate is a tidbit for modern investors, it's billions of dollars in turnover, a great opportunity to earn. However, the time at which investors could easily enter the…

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Turnkey apartment renovation – the benefits of a professional approach

Most apartment owners still have fresh memories of how much time, money and effort was spent on repairs on their own.
Moreover, the result was far from always impressive. Today, the situation has changed dramatically – more and more people are choosing the work of professionals. True, there are still many owners who carry out most of the work on their own, but they, despite the presence of certain skills and “golden hands”, still turn to construction companies for especially complex and responsible tasks.

And the thing is that any person wants his home to be unique and have the most presentable appearance, so that the apartment does not look like hundreds of others. Continue reading

What disputes are resolved in the arbitration court?
Those people who have disputes or problems can resolve them in an arbitration court. Any dispute is individual and requires a special approach. From practice it is clear that if…


Daily rate apartments
Recently, even more people have become actively interested in apartments for rent. This happens for the simple reason that people began to visit various cities more often, but at the…


Economical gifts and souvenirs
Sima-land is a company that at the moment is one of the largest suppliers of goods belonging to the category of consumer goods in the territory of the Russian Federation.…
