Ways to earn extra money in Japan
Almost all students in Japan try to find a part-time job. Work that is combined with other activities is called arubaito. Often the same word also refers to people who…

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What to check before choosing upholstered furniture
First of all, the person who comes to the store to select a sofa in his living room gives all attention to how comfortable he is with the upholstery, the…

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Benefits of Investing in Dubai
At the moment, it is no secret that the city of Dubai is considered one of the most pleasant places for investment, it is considered the ultra current city, where…

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What are the benefits of deposit insurance?

Deposit insurance is a new service that banks have begun to offer to customers.
The essence of insurance is that if the bank refuses to pay the client a deposit, he can write a statement to the insurance company. She submits an official request to the bank and, after receiving a response, reimburses the deposit amount to the client. Typically, customers who have insured deposits receive a slightly lower interest on the deposit. For example, if a client should receive 20% per annum on a deposit, he will receive only 15-17%, but he will be insured against problems and unforeseen circumstances. In any case, the insurance company will pay him the full amount of the deposit. The insured event occurs at the moment when the bank is declared bankrupt. Continue reading

Can sublease be a profitable business?
If we keep in mind that office premises that belong to class A are very popular today, then we can definitely say that the option with sublease is extremely effective…


Russian taxi in Paris
Our compatriots who came to Paris on a tourist package and do not speak French at all are better off taking a taxi designed for a specific target audience. For…


Cashing in Ukraine, expanse after leaving the family.
Previously concentrated, under the control of the Family, the cashing market quickly transformed. If three months ago a little more than two hundred enterprises were engaged in cashing, and general…
