POS lending or credit card?
Having decided to purchase household appliances or other expensive goods, the borrower is faced with the problem of choice. Which loan to give preference? Use a credit card or the…

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POS lending or credit card?

Having decided to purchase household appliances or other expensive goods, the borrower is faced with the problem of choice.
Which loan to give preference? Use a credit card or the services of bank managers directly in the store?
Benefits of POS Loans

POS-lending is a targeted loan, carried out directly at the point of sale. Collateral for it is the purchased goods. The positive aspects of such loans include:

speed of receipt – a loan is issued instantly at a point of sale;

simplicity of execution – there is no need to collect a large package of documents, confirm solvency;

lack of guarantors and “significant” collateral. The thing that is acquired is not psychologically perceived as a guarantee;

low interest rate in comparison with microloans and express loans. Continue reading

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POS lending or credit card?
Having decided to purchase household appliances or other expensive goods, the borrower is faced with the problem of choice. Which loan to give preference? Use a credit card or the…


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